I've been wanting to do things different here for awhile and I think that nows the time! So, hopefully you will enjoy these changes and the information I want to share with you all.
To make things easier, I am going to start having daily themes for my posts. Things are pretty busy here right now with the end of the school year approaching. I have two children graduating this year. One from high school and one from 8th grade! So, I'm not sure that I will be able to share a post each day until things calm down a bit. But, here is what I've come up with as to what I would like to share with you and when.
Sunday- Living the Liturgy
One of the things that I really want to start doing is to incorporate the daily rhythms of the Church into our daily lives. I plan on sharing the ideas, activities and cooking that I have chosen for that week each Sunday.
Monday – Meal Plan Monday
Our weekly menu with some recipe shares and links.
Tuesday – Time with Tots
Another goal that I have is to start doing more organized and planned activities with my little 2 (almost 3!) year-old daughter, GG, so I will be sharing those ideas with you each Tuesday.
Wednesday- Sharing the wealth....
One of the ways that I de-stress at night is to surf the internet for fun blogs with craft project and recipes. I'll share my discoveries with you on Wednesdays!
Thursday- A Homemakers Tale
A time for me to share how I'm trying to make the most out of being a country girt at heart living in the city and all things homemaking!
Friday- Papercraft Projects
I'll show you any scrapbooking layouts, cards and other paper crafting projects that I've completed that week.
Saturday- Sew Wonderful
I'm trying to do more sewing (of all types!) so I keep you posted on what I'm working on and the finished product!
I hope that you enjoy these changes that I plan on making and if you like what you see, please share my link with your friends. Please let me know what you think and I look forward to sharing with you all!