Thursday, November 5, 2009

A Christmas card for Noah....

This heartbreaking request was posted on Paper Crafts Magazine's Facebook page and I wanted to share it here with you all. Please follow this link to read about Noah and his family's request for people to send him Christmas Cards right now. He is at home on Hospice care fighting his last battle with cancer. He is only 5 years old and his favorite holiday is Christmas, so his family is celebrating Christmas this weekend. I know my card might not make it there in time for their special Christmas, but even if it's a day or so late, it will still be special to him! So, please take a few minutes to send little Noah a Christmas card. Even though I felt like crying the entire time I was making his card, I was blessed with the comfort and grace of God. This story makes my heart hurt. May we all say some extra prayers for Noah and his family. And, be sure to hug your loved ones extra hard today! We are all so blessed.......

Here is the address to send Noah's card to:

Noah Biorkman
c/o 99.5 WYCD
2201 Woodward Heights Blvd.
Ferndale, MI 48220-1511

1 comment:

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

Oh Di, this is heartbreaking. I too, am eased by God's Grace. I can't imagine the pain this family is going through. My little nephew is 5 and I just couldn't live without him! I praise God for every day I share with him. THanks for sharing this with us.
Kim xXx